March 9, 2010

Trouble Tuesday

I woke up today with tons of "stuff" on my mind.
I was thinking about friends from High School.
I was thinking about my brother & his family.
I was trying to figure out what to make for dinner.
I was thinking about my boys & their wives & kids.
I'm thinking about co-workers.
I'm thinking about my mom surgery.
I'm thinking of what to blog about.
I'm thinking about the weather & to camp or not to camp.
I 'm thinking why am I thinking so much!
It's driving me crazy! Why do we do these things to ourselves?


Unknown said...

Let me think about it for a bit and i'll let you know. 80)

Yep said...

I think, you think too much. But maybe I think to much. Therefore I thought too much about you thinking too much.....I think...aww who knows anymore.