May 24, 2012

In a funk

I haven't posted in awhile & I really need to keep this dying blog alive. Why? Who the heck knows. Nobody really reads it. Guess I could post it on FB, but don't really want EVERYONE clicking over to my blog. Guess I really don't mind, but yes, my blog is alittle boring.

 Summer is finally here & I should be excited, but today I'm just in "one of those moods". Why are people so mean? I think some people just get a kick out of hurting other peoples feelings. I really don't think they see it. Ok, they do & they enjoy it.

Moving on. Tonight is my granddaughters first dance recital. I'm so excited. I hope she goes through with the dance. She is so shy around other people. It takes her a minute or two to warm up even when she comes to the house. I'm just hoping once the music starts & the other little girls start dancing, she will forget all the people out in the audience & "shake her bon bon".

April 24, 2012


Happy Easter
The kids had a fun time hunting eggs in the backyard & then we had a BBQ & some birthday cake to celebrate my dad's birthday. It was perfect weather.

April 7, 2012


If there is one thing that I have learned in the past few months, it's the meaning of a "True friend." I have been dealing with some very tough issues lately. There's this one person I consider a really good & close friend, but I guess I was wrong. I felt like she/he did not acknowledge me during my time of need. In the past, she/he would be the first one to say something. Not this time. She/he just pretty much ignores me lately & I have no idea what is going on.
I would be lying if I said this doesn't hurt. I can't even express what I am feeling.
I don't even know how to fix it. Is it even fixable? What the he!! did I do?

March 16, 2012

Back in the Saddle or is it....

Back on the bike??
After several years of not racing, my son has decided to jump back into it. Well, I hope he does it nice & easy, as we don't want another broken femur & knee. We have always told him if he wanted to get back into riding, we would get him a bike. Well the time has come. Let the races begin.
I am so excited for this weekend (except for the bad weather). We are going to Delta to camp,race and visit with family & friends. After all, I have several other sons that live in Delta, and unless they come up to the "Big City", I don't get to see them much. They are my "Delta Boys" & they too enjoy racing. (well, some of them). I know my heart will be pounding as everyone lines up & races off into the desert. I will be a nervous wreck until he comes back, safe & in one piece after his 70+ mile adventure. I am a proud mom. I just want him to have fun & remember to go easy with the throttle.

February 13, 2012

Ok, let's try this.

Holy Moly, I think I have forgotten how to post on my blog. I may have to get Tryn or Amberly over here in the middle of the night & see what we can do.
I just happened to sit down & start catching up on all the blogs I use to read and noticed that I have been kicked off some of their walls.

Guess that what happens when you stop blogging.

I really have nothing exciting to blog about. My birthday was last week and that really wasn't even exciting. My boys didn't come over to visit. I did babysit my granddaughter the day before, does that count?? What's the big bummer is that my daughter in laws birthday is 2 days after mine, so by process of elimenation, "they" celebrate her birthday, but God forbid if we were to combine them. Oh well, my husband & I just have to remember we raised our boys better and can't help what goes on in their lives now.
My one son did call me to see if I wanted to go to dinner, but it was almost 7pm and my hubby & I were arriving at my birthday dinner. Besides, my son sounded so tired. He pretty much does work from before sun up and after sun down. lol.

Ok, looks like I might have this figured out. It only took me 3 times to get the pictures posted.