March 31, 2010

The Princess & The Outlaw

Oh my. You can't turn on the TV without coming across some sort of comment about that cute and talented Sandra, (aka: my husband's next wife) and that Outlaw Jesse (aka: what the hell was he thinking?)
I will admit, I have been watching any and all type's of entertainment news shows to see what the latest update's are on Ms. Sandra. She just seems like a real genuine caring type person. I feel so bad for her.
Why do men do these stupid things?

I think Lorraine Bobbitt had the right idea. I think if this was the way a wife could punish her hubby, there would be less Tiger's & Jesse's in the world.
Just my opinion.


Norman & Trynitee Peat said...

LOL, I feel bad for her too especially since she is one of the celebrities that try to lead a more private life and now its all out in the open. People who do this to others are worthless and should just step up and end things before they do such things.

Unknown said...

HA HA HA Agree'd