March 3, 2010

At the Races.

Last weekend we set out for a weekend of fun & sunshine in Primm, NV.
So ok, the sun didn't get the memo, but we still had a blast.

Just like his cousins, my litte nephew has taken up racing quads. He's been doing this for awhile now & really enjoys it.

My nephew in red. My son on the blue quad.
This was his very first really "big" race. He always goes & watches his cousins race in CA/NV/AZ, so this day it was his turn to put on his racing boots & enjoy some fun.
He got to do 2 races & had a blast. The other plus was just as he was crossing the Finish Line, the skies opened up & it started to rain.

I just have one question to the men in my life. Why is it you will get on a 2 wheel or 4 wheel machine & haul butt thru the desert at a high rate of speed, but your afraid to ride the roller coaster with me at Buffalo Bills? (u can see the yellow rails for the coaster in the background of this picture. It looks like fun!)

Good job and great race! Can't wait for your next one.


Coco said...

So did you go on the roller coaster alone then??

Unknown said...

I'll ride the roller coaster with you Nat. I may need to be dragged on to it but once i'm on it and know I can't get out. I let myself have a good time!

BerlyCrow said...

Props to you! I refuse to ride the roller coaster. In October when it was just me and my daughter passing through, I told her it was broken. I'm probably going to parent hell for that, huh?