December 30, 2009

California Rock'n

I was awaken this afternoon by a text from my BFF Sandra saying that back home they have been rock'n and roll'n all day! Granted she is now living in Central California and we were raised in Southern California.

Of course worried, I call my brother right away who says that he hasn't felt a thing & that Sandra must of had a liquid lunch at Pedro's Bar & Grill.

Now, not only am I awaken from sleep, which would make me somewhat comatose, but I'm now getting two different stories from people I love.

One lives there & one doesn't, but has lots of family members to tell her what is going on. What does one do? She's goes to !!!

Low and behold, at approx 10:48am and about 23 miles SE of my BROTHER, there was a 5.8 earthquake! And then EXACTLY 5 minutes later they had a 4.8 and 9 minuates later 4.0

I just counted & since the 4.0 quake at 11:07am, they have had 42 more quakes. The last one was at 14:27 which measured 2.4 Not sure right now where I would rather be. Getting ready to go shovel snow that has been falling for the past 24 hours, or rock'n and roll'n in 60+ degree weather. Hmmmm

1 comment:

SandraLynn said...

In regards to "CA.Rock'n" Of course Rod didn't feel I recall he did receive a rather large blow to the head at a young age (caused by BFF on Central Coast) I am certain the constant rattling in his brain was quite similar to the QUAKES of CA. BTY the liquid lunch he was certain I was having would not have been provided by Pedro's Bar & Grill, but Wine Cottage Bistro!! So if your going to spread rummors make sure you get the Facts straight!! LOL