April 7, 2012


If there is one thing that I have learned in the past few months, it's the meaning of a "True friend." I have been dealing with some very tough issues lately. There's this one person I consider a really good & close friend, but I guess I was wrong. I felt like she/he did not acknowledge me during my time of need. In the past, she/he would be the first one to say something. Not this time. She/he just pretty much ignores me lately & I have no idea what is going on.
I would be lying if I said this doesn't hurt. I can't even express what I am feeling.
I don't even know how to fix it. Is it even fixable? What the he!! did I do?


Coco said...

:( I am sorry Nat. I am sorry for everything you are going through. I am sorry that you are feeling neglected. Kisses to you. Let me know if you need anything.

Norman & Trynitee Peat said...

I'm sorry too Natalie, I can only imagaine it has been really hard on you and Coy. That all takes a toll on your family. Love you

Sara said...

Sorry Nat. Seems to be going around. Especially hard with everything you have going on.. Just keep swimming!