- - - - - - - - - - - - - Father's & Son's riding together.
Anyone do anything exciting or fun over the Labor Day weekend? Well the hubby & I decided to go camping for the weekend. (Ok, mostly he planned it). He was out the door by 8am on friday morning. He had the trailer packed & ready to go the night before. He wanted to get a jump on the holiday traffic & campers. He got out to the desert & there was no one there. He was the first trailer out there.
Like always I bought WAY to much food. I just feel like when your camping you can never have to much. I call the boys & ask if there is anything special they might want. One ALWAYS has to have my home made salsa & chips.
For this weekend I made a triple batch, as I knew we would be having Carne Asada the last night & I was hoping that he couldn't eat that whole giant bowl in 2 days.
My grandson wanted "Capri sun" to drink. My granddaughter likes pretty much anything, but I know she loves strawberries. And my other son said if he had to drink Pepsi products, then he wanted Mountain Dew. I did tell both my boys if they wanted Coca-Cola, then they had to bring it themselves.
Our weekend was fun. My son, DIL & granddaughter came out every night. My parents came out for 2 nights & my other son, DIL, grandson & granddaughter came out on Sunday.
We had a blast, but I was so worn out after Sunday's dinner that I just wanted to cry. After everyone left my husband asked me if I was ok. My mom even called me that night to check on me. All I can say is I love my family & enjoy being with them very much. I'm just not sure they feel the same way. :)
- - - - - - - - - - Brothers riding together
You must be so proud of having such a close family, Knat. Looks like you guys all had a great time.
Christine, thanks for stopping by.
We had a great time.
Do you know that I have never driven a four wheeler? I have driven a snowmobile and a car, but that's it! I know, it's a travesty.
*Grins* I have a friend who only drinks Pepsi and turns green at the mere thought of having to drink Coke products. LOL
Great family, and it sounds like you guys had a terrific time.
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