July 9, 2010

New dishwasher wanted

Ok, I'm really going to show my age, but do you remember Madge the Palmolive Dishwashing lady? How about the phrase "Your soaking in it" ??

Well, my dishwasher broke this week & I had to unload a dishwasher FULL of dirty dishes & wash them all by hand. I almost forgot how to. LOL.
When the hubby said he couldn't fix it, I said I guess I will see if I can find a new one that I like.
His reply " The "GE" has been replaced with "NB"and it's working just fine"!! (NB being me)

I told him not to quit his day job. He's not very funny!


Yep said...

Man I HATE doing dishes. Luckily Emily does them more often and is much faster. we have a dishwasher, but ours is a piece of junk.

Nancy said...

I love the brand NB dishwasher!!! TOOO FUNNY COY!! Nat your grandbabies are adorable! You are so lucky to have them. Hope to see you in October


Unknown said...

HA HA I like your hubby!!! Yes it is true that I do the dishes more than Josh and that our washer is a oldie goldie(luckily not so old that you have to hook it up to the fuacet with a hose though)and for that reason I double wash my dishes becuase just becuase you put it in the dishwasher doesn't mean it gets clean!