May 21, 2010

No computer & no cell phone.

Yes, my computer is back in the shop! (ugh) So that means I can only check my mail/blog  when I'm at work.  Which just sucks, because I can not post comments at work to my fellow bloggers & I won't be able to check my mail over the weekend.

Now I am becoming somewhat suspicious of the place I am taking my computer.  Does this guy really know what he's doing, or is he just using me as his own personal ATM machine?  This is the 3rd time I have taken it in within a months time.  I told myself....3 strikes & he's out!    I'm at my wit's end. What should I do?

Also, my cell phone broke wednesday, so I'm without a cell phone.  I wanted to post a picture of what use to be one solid piece, but is now in two pieces. (kind of looks like this one).
 I've lost everyone's cell numbers & I'm beating my head trying to remember who's numbers I need to replace.  What a headache.  What is even funnier, last night I went onto my cell phone carriers web site to price a new phone, and in order to get my information, they sent me a "text" with the code I need to enter into the computer.  HELLO, I DON"T HAVE A WORKING CELL PHONE!!!!  I just thought that was funny.

I'm just not meant to be a electronic geek. I'm not computer smart or a big fan of fancy cell phone stuff.
I don't play games or have internet connection on my phone to pull up my emails (althought it would come in handy right now).  I'm lucky I figured out how to get & receive texts. LOL.  Hopefully I will get a new cell phone this weekend, as I'm using my mom's  cell phone right now for emergencies.  Thank God I'm still "old school" and have a house phone!!

1 comment:

BerlyCrow said...

My cell phone broke once and I worried about all the numbers I had saved too. But, then I realized that if they were THAT important, I'd realize I needed their number sooner than later. (Even so, my paranoia won and the cell provider I have now allows me to manage my contacts online so even if I do lose or break my phone, they're still there).

And luckily, I know how to fix computers myself because I'd feel the same way taking mine to a repair shop!