March 31, 2010

The Princess & The Outlaw

Oh my. You can't turn on the TV without coming across some sort of comment about that cute and talented Sandra, (aka: my husband's next wife) and that Outlaw Jesse (aka: what the hell was he thinking?)
I will admit, I have been watching any and all type's of entertainment news shows to see what the latest update's are on Ms. Sandra. She just seems like a real genuine caring type person. I feel so bad for her.
Why do men do these stupid things?

I think Lorraine Bobbitt had the right idea. I think if this was the way a wife could punish her hubby, there would be less Tiger's & Jesse's in the world.
Just my opinion.

March 23, 2010


In all fairness, I have to give equal blogging time to the other person that makes us smile. Last friday she got to come play & we had the time of our lives.

My husband & I get right down on the floor with her & play with her & her toys. She so wants to crawl to get her cute little hands on them, but just can't figure out how to get those knee's to move. She get's up on them, rocks back & forth ....but then decides that just giving up & rolling over will possibly get her to where she wants to go quicker. (or just look at Grandpa with those big blue eyes & he'll get it for you) .
Grandkids are the best!!!! Just ask a Grandparent!

March 17, 2010

Happy Green Day

Sending out some Irish love, even though I'm not Irish. Be safe out there!!

March 11, 2010

Something old, something new???

Ok, so someone is trying to learn how to say "thumbs up", but just can't figure out what to do with these dang little pointie fingers when he does it. Just to dang cute I must say!

And can you tell that something is missing from one of these two following pictures? Hmmmmmmmmm.

And no, it's not the cute little smile or devilish look in those eyes.

March 9, 2010

Trouble Tuesday

I woke up today with tons of "stuff" on my mind.
I was thinking about friends from High School.
I was thinking about my brother & his family.
I was trying to figure out what to make for dinner.
I was thinking about my boys & their wives & kids.
I'm thinking about co-workers.
I'm thinking about my mom surgery.
I'm thinking of what to blog about.
I'm thinking about the weather & to camp or not to camp.
I 'm thinking why am I thinking so much!
It's driving me crazy! Why do we do these things to ourselves?

March 3, 2010

At the Races.

Last weekend we set out for a weekend of fun & sunshine in Primm, NV.
So ok, the sun didn't get the memo, but we still had a blast.

Just like his cousins, my litte nephew has taken up racing quads. He's been doing this for awhile now & really enjoys it.

My nephew in red. My son on the blue quad.
This was his very first really "big" race. He always goes & watches his cousins race in CA/NV/AZ, so this day it was his turn to put on his racing boots & enjoy some fun.
He got to do 2 races & had a blast. The other plus was just as he was crossing the Finish Line, the skies opened up & it started to rain.

I just have one question to the men in my life. Why is it you will get on a 2 wheel or 4 wheel machine & haul butt thru the desert at a high rate of speed, but your afraid to ride the roller coaster with me at Buffalo Bills? (u can see the yellow rails for the coaster in the background of this picture. It looks like fun!)

Good job and great race! Can't wait for your next one.

March 1, 2010

Weekend in Nevada

Good thing I made reservations back at the first of the year when my hubby asked me if I wanted to go down to Primm, NV and meet up with my brother, SIL & nephew. I usually wait till the last minute to make a reservation. I had no idea this was "NASCAR" weekend. As we drove by the race-track on friday it was packed with trailers,campers,semi's and lot's of cars. It was crazy.

As I was checking into the hotel, a man with a beer was standing behind me & was just a tad "intox-a-ma-cated" (as I call it). He was from Bakersfield, CA & a fan of Kevin Harvick. He asked me if I was here for the races & I said "yes I am". He then asked me who I was cheering for. I told him "My little nephew". Now I have confused him. He said in beer breath "your little nephew is racing"? I said "yes, of course". Again, he said "Who is your little nephew, was number does he race"? I said, "Well, I'm here for the motorcycle/quad races". He was shocked that I wasn't there for the NASCAR races. I did tell him I was a Jimmie Johnson fan & he didn't like that answer any better. His son then came over & got him & he stumbled away.
As we drove home saturday night & passed the speedway, I took these pictures. It doesn't even really show how packed the parking lot really was.
And to the drunk that was making fun of me being a Jimmie Johnson fan. Take that!! First Place is sweet!