January 24, 2010

Life Sucks right now!

Can I just say I want to insert my "No Right Turn" post again?
Why is this year starting out so bad? I'm hate'n things that are
going on in my small little iddy-bitty world! I guess when people know
they can crap all over you, they do & they enjoy the hell out of it. What more
can I say. My life sucks right now & I'm not sure it's going to get any better.

I think I need a day with my grandkids, but I don't see that happening either.

January 18, 2010

Racing in sunny Arizona

Brrrrr. Doesn't this look cold. This is what was on the ground as we drove south of our state, heading towards Sunny Arizona. Someone wanted to go & race 250 miles in the open sunny desert. I just wanted to get out of the haze & 30 degree weather. What can I say?

Ok, it was a little over-cast/cloudy when we arrived, but we didn't have to wear our parka's outside. It was nice t-shirt and/or lite weight hoodie weather.
First job of the day, getting signed up. You have to sign so many forms & read page after page before the fun begins.
Then u have to go & get your bike all checked out & make sure it's not some piece of junk u just put together at the last minute.
After all that, it's a quick bite to eat, then a "Riders Meeting" where u go & listen to all the rules & outline of the coarse. After that, it's off to bed as your wake up call is 4:30am! Then off to the starting line, as when that sun comes up, the first motorcycle takes off. Then u just wait your turn.
The adrenalin is now a pump'n. You're waiting on that starting line for a green light to give u the "Go". And then it's 250 miles of open desert that you begin your journey on. Gas wide open & nothing but you & the wind.
(Oops double post & I can't delete the 2nd photo)

What can we say? It was a lot of fun & a lot of haul'n butt. And after almost 200 miles, the engine blows & your day is done. No checkered flag & no speech at the end of your ride. Just war stories.

A big Thank You to those that came & help with gas & water. It was a fun day even though it could of been better. And at the end you get to pose with one of your biggest fans, who can't wait to turn 15 so he can race with his cousin.

January 10, 2010

No Right Turn

As some of you know, I have not been able to do a dang thing right for some time now. No matter how hard I try, things just seem to fall apart for me.
So I am going to try really hard to get things right.
No more pity party for me!! I am going to suck it up & make only
right turns from here on out! (or at least die trying). If by chance
I don't succeed, I will need the following items:

(bear hug or group hug optional)

I can't even blog correctly. I posted the wrong freaking sign!! I need an erase button quick!!! I give up. I'm going to bed & hopefully when I wake up, I will feel much better.

January 2, 2010

Moving In

Oh Boy. Moving. We've all been there. The box hunting, the packing, marking the boxes correctly. Before all that, you first have to fine a house & that is what my son, DIL & little granddaughter have done. They found their first "HOME".

After all the hunting, paperwork, headaches & getting ready for the keys, then came renovation day. (week) My son, DIL, family & friends started gutting the house. Sorry I did not get any pictures of the bare house, but did manage to remember to take a few pictures of paint day, laying of hard wood floors And....sweat your butt off, not so fun picture. That's just the upstairs main floor fun. They still had another downstairs adventure. Which will be the main family room of fun.

They have the floors all done, carpet all in. Walls all painted. furniture all in. Now comes what my DIL does really well and that is decorate and get things in order. I will post more pictures when it is all done. It's a beautiful place & I'm sure they will fill it with love and laughter.
" Families Are Forever"